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Simple command-line password generator


I'm very new to Haskell, I've read most of learnyouahaskell.com and played around with some simple things, but this is probably the most 'complicated' bit of Haskell I've written so far. I have an implementation in PHP that does basically the same thing, but it is much much faster.. I'm guessing my bottleneck here is that randomRIO takes a long time to return a value, is there any way to increase the speed, or get an array of values instead of grabbing them one at a time?

That aside, any other tips and/or suggestions about improving my implementation would be very helpful!

module Main whereimport System.Environmentimport System.Exitimport System.Random (randomRIO)import Control.Monad (replicateM)import qualified Data.Map as Mimport Text.Regex.Posixmain :: IO ()main = do    args <- getArgs    let helpOnly = "-h" `elem` args    if helpOnly        then putStrLn usage        else do        password <- generatePassword ("-w" `elem` args)        putStrLn password    exitSuccessusage :: Stringusage = unlines ["","Usage: [ -w, --with-symbols ] [ -h, --help ]","","By default, generates a 16 character password that does not include symbols.","","-w, --with-symbols  include symbols","-h, --help          print a brief help message"        ]symbols :: Stringsymbols = "!$%^&*()-_=+[{]};:@#~,<.>/?"randomReplace :: String -> String -> IO StringrandomReplace [] subject = return subjectrandomReplace (replacement:rs) subject = do    randomIndex <- randomRIO (0, length subject - 1) :: IO Int    let hash = zip [0 .. length subject - 1] subject    (randomReplace rs . map snd . M.toList .  M.insert randomIndex replacement . M.fromList) hashgeneratePassword :: Bool -> IO StringgeneratePassword withSymbols = do    let passwordLength = 500 -- obviously you wouldn't use 500 as a default here, but I'm just benchmarking    numDigits <- randomRIO (1, passwordLength) :: IO Int    digits <- replicateM numDigits (randomRIO (1, 9) :: IO Int)    numUppercase <- randomRIO (1, passwordLength) :: IO Int    uppercaseLetters <- replicateM numUppercase (randomRIO ('A', 'Z') :: IO Char)    p1 <- replicateM passwordLength (randomRIO ('a', 'z') :: IO Char)    p2 <- randomReplace (concatMap show digits) p1    p3 <- randomReplace uppercaseLetters p2    password <- if withSymbols        then do            numSymbols <- randomRIO (1, passwordLength) :: IO Int            symbolsToReplace <- replicateM numSymbols ((randomRIO (0, length symbols - 1) :: IO Int) >>= (\x -> return $ symbols !! x))            randomReplace symbolsToReplace p3        else return p3    if (password =~ "[a-z]" :: Bool) && (password =~ "[A-Z]" :: Bool) && (password =~ "[0-9]" :: Bool) -- we knows symbols are in there since it went last        then return password        else generatePassword withSymbols

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